Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Not with that attitude you can't!"

I am not that up to date/familiar with that many WoW machinimas, but every now and then one comes up that really makes me laugh. I recently stumbled on this video from Wowcrendor where he gives a rundown of class stereotypes. It's pretty good stuff - as are many of his other machinimas. If you wanna skip the palas and the shammies and want to go straight down to the hunter-part, forward to 1.44. And, if you will excuse me, I have a shield to ninja.

Check out other machinimas he's done at his channel.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

June goes back to school

Just listened to the Hunter Podcast from WHU and I got inspired by an idea to feature tips and info for new - or freshly-dinged lvl 85 hunters.

Being reasonably new to the hunter class and raiding, I think this is an awesome idea. The gap from doing hc dungeons to end game raids is pretty significant. A lot of the hunter guides out there are invaluable and awesome but can be quite tricky to get into as a newbie. It certainly took me a while to understand all the terms, the theorycrafting, rotations...

I am thinking of setting up some sort of hunter beginners guide, not fancy, just a simple guide for people who have just started levelling a hunter - and later a guide for freshly dinged 85 hunters. Any suggestions what to put in there? Let me know in the comment section!